International Gestures

There are a variety of reasons that people turn to gestures when speaking. The can be used replace speech, regulate the flow of interaction, maintain attention, add emphasis and clarity to a speech, and to reduce stress and tensions.  We discussed this topic on class when we talked about kinesics and vocalics. Kinesics include movements of the body used to communicate, it is also referred to as body language.Today I am going to focus on some common hand gestures and how they can mean totally different things depending on the country you are in.

Image result for obama ok sign

Lets start with a gesture that everyone has used at least once in their lives. In the United States, Australia, the UK, and Canada this sign is known as the “okay” symbol. This is commonly used when a person is agreeing with another person’s thoughts or ideas. It may seem hard to make this gestures seem rude but if you are ever in Brazil to do not flip the “okay” symbol upside down as it is equivalent to the middle finger in the United States.

Image result for joe biden thumbs up

Here is another popular hand gestures: the “thumbs up”. In the United States, Australia, the UK, Canada, and Russia it is seen as a sign of approval. It is currently my little sisters favorites way of answering a question, she does switch it up with a dab every one in a while. Meanwhile in Latin America, West Africa, Iran, Iraq, and Afghanistan and other parts of the world it is seen as an “up yours” sign.

Image result for barack obama peace sign

Finally, here is a gesture that is recognizable by almost anyone in the United States. The “V” sign is viewed in the United States as a symbol of peace, it was commonly used during the 1960s and 1970s by hippies and Americans who opposed the Vietnam War. In Australia, the UK, Ireland, and New Zealand it is viewed as rude and as a sign of contempt or defiance towards authority.

While these are just a few international gestures to look out for it is best if you are deciding to travel to  new country to look up some rude gestures that you might not be aware of as a way to ensure you do not mistakenly use one. Linked here is an awesome guide to international gestures by The Huffington Post.

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